Sony’s Peter Dille Talks PS2 Classics on PSN

The list of PSOne classics on the PlayStation Network is growing weekly and has shown Sony that consumers are willing to buy older games for cheaper prices on the PlayStation Store.  Right now it is only PS1 games in the store, but Sony may be looking into bringing classic PS2 games to the table soon.

In a recent interview over on IGN, PlayStation Senior VP Peter Dille reaffirmed what many of us already knew: Sony is looking into bringing back some PS2 Classics.

From our side, we’re going through our own studio organization and trying to make sure all these old games are out there so that we can lead by example, but we’re also communicating with all the third-parties about the success of the Final Fantasy games, and other PS1 and PS2 classics.

Though this is in no way a confirmation by Sony, it does go a long way towards the hope that we will one day be able to buy games like Persona 3 and Ico on the PlayStation Store.
