New Starhawk Details Descend From Space

Lightbox Interactive has reportedly been working on a follow up for the very popular Warhawk, dubbed “Starhawk.” The Game Developers Conference is nearly upon us and countless rumors have been trickling in of what PlayStation 3 games could show up. The latest rumor involves Starhawk being featured at the event.

LittleBigPlanet 2, Sony’s motion controller, and now Starhawk along with Motorstorm 3 are all rumored to make an appearance in the GDC. A member from the official EU PlayStation forums has apparently confirmed that Sony will announce Motorstorm 3 with a trailer at the event. The user also sheds light on some new ‘Starhawk’ information, and mentions it may be unveiled at the GDC:

The MS3 trailer will be shown off at GDC next week. It looks amazing, by the way. As for Starhawk, what we’ve seen, Starwars has little on it. It looks intense and epic.

We thought it was MS3 here at the tilt, but since have been shown new footage of Starhawk and we are about 80% positive it’s Starhawk now.

The trailer we’ve seen has a central planet where a battle is taking place, a black ship with red boosters lifts off and jumps into space, one movement and animation, and engauges in a dogfight with a massive fleet of other ships.

Way more than 32, believe me. More like 100, but don’t quote me on the exact number.

One ship lands on the deck of a larger battleship thing and a guy jumps out. He has a laser rifle. He shoots out a node on the side of the ship. Ship starts rocking. At this time a massive amount of other ships storm the larger battle ship and start hitting it in sweeps. Guy jumps off the ship’s landing and rocket boost away as the ship explodes.

Treat this strictly as a rumor, but with all the speculation regarding a Warhawk sequel, one can only ponder not if it exists but when Starhawk will be showcased. Hopefully the GDC will validate most of if not all these rumors once the event starts tomorrow.