“Monster Hunter Portable 3” Vita Turns Up On GAME Norway

Earlier in the year, the internet ran wild with Monster Hunter speculation after a PSLS tipster spottedMonster Hunter Portable 3” for Vita on UK retailer Play.com. That same tipster has now found more proof of such a game on Norway’s GAME website.

You can see the listing right here, but we’ve taken a screencapture in case the webpage is hastily removed like Play.com’s was:

Like last time, the placeholder webpage says “Monster Hunter Portable 3”, rather than Monster Hunter Portable 3rd, Monster Hunter 3G or another version of Monster Hunter Tri, so it’s hard to know which one is meant.

This is still all rumor and speculation right now, and we don’t know if the retailers just like to guess, but it’s clear that MH would be a perfect fit for the Vita – Monster Hunter Portable 3rd was Capcom’s fastest selling game ever, and sold well over 5 million copies.

[Thanks for the tip Gino!]