Monster Hunter: World Gets Lunastra, The Empress of Flame

Capcom spreads the word via Capcom-Unity that their hugely successful monster-slaying RPG, Monster Hunter: World, is going to get another massive monster for players to track down and capture (or kill). You’ll be glad to know that the Monster Hunter: World free update arrives today. Okay, it’s only a new monster, but it’s free, so who cares.

The monster is called Lunastra, the Empress of Flame, and boy does she (or it?) look bad-ass. Have a peek at the trailer below:

By the way, Lunastra will be available for in just under 12 hours, today at 5pm PT.

Here’s the word:

The Empress of Flame returns with new tricks and unique abilities to challenge even the most seasoned hunters. Not only is she more aggressive than her male companion Teostra, but her capacity to alter the environment around her is unmatched. Stay awake and alert to her burning blue fire at all times if you want to survive.

Teamwork is a powerful tool to conquer any foe in Monster Hunter, however hunters beware, Lunastra has learned this lesson as well. With the ability to fight alongside her mate Teostra and bond with him for devastating attacks, you’ll want to get a full hunting party stocked up on Lifepowders if you want to stand a chance against this power couple.

Hunting monsters in this game was one of the most challenging experiences I ever had in a video game. It has one insanely steep learning curve, but man, is it worth it. Check out our review of MHW.

As far as Capcom is concerned, we do know that the publisher has made some serious bucks with MHW. In addition, there are two major games yet to be revealed from Capcom, so let’s just wait and see. After all, we’ll know more come E3 2018.

[Source: Capcom-Unity]