This Week’s Blu-Cast

Written by Chris Rah Osiris

This week has a few good titles to choose from. We have a television series, a movie with big name actors, a straight to Blu-Ray release, and a great animated series. 13 Blu-Rays will be available this week in total. 11 will be released on Tuesday. The remaining 2 will be released on Thursday and Saturday respectively. (I have absolutely no idea why)

Terminator-The Sarah Connor Chronicles: The Complete First Season is likely the headlining title for the week. I enjoyed the series on Fox.Plus it has the girl from Serenity in it. How can you really lose? It really is a shame that the writers strike had to occur. Street Kings is a title that anyone that likes cop movies should definitely give a try. I am leery of picking up The Scorpion King 2. I could only tolerate the first movie because of the Rock and the beautiful woman. I’m sure there will be a beautiful woman or two in this movie. I am not sure that I will ever see it. Well maybe on cable one day. Justice League will be purchased. I don’t need to explain why. Lol

Here are my pick-ups in order of importance to me:

  1. Justice League: Season One
  2. Terminator-The Sarah Connor Chronicles: The Complete First Season
  3. Street Kings: Special Edition

What will be on your list for the week?

Release date
Prom Night: Unrated Aug 19, 2008
The Proposition Aug 19, 2008
Monster Aug 19, 2008
Rachmaninov: Piano Concertos Nos. 2&3 – Acoustic Reality Experience Aug 23, 2008
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