Only Current Qore Subscribers Will Be Invited to Home

Written By T3mpr1x

Some of you may have already received this rather disappointing e-mail from the fine folks at Sony, but for those who do not yet know, there has been an update to their plans. If you are a subscriber by “October 29th,” then you will receive an invitation to the Home Closed Beta earlier than others. If you simply purchase Qore episode-by-episode, then you are out of this round of invitations. The newsletter sent out on the 24th stated that both annual subscribers as well as episode buyers would be invited, but this e-mail corrects that miscommunication. Head past the jump to see the original e-mail in its entirety.



—————————————————————–As an update to the PLAYSTATION(R)3 News email sent on Friday,

October 24th, the special invitation to PlayStation(R)Home’s closed

beta is available only to Qore annual subscribers who purchased

subscriptions by 10/29. Qore Episode 06 purchasers will not be

eligible for the special PlayStation(R)Home beta invitation at

this time. We apologize for the miscommunication. 

Participation in PlayStation(R)Home’s closed beta is limited to

those 18 years and older and requires agreement with the

PlayStation(R)Home Beta Trial.


This is really bad news for myself as well. I had already purchased Calling All Cars! on my own before Qore came along, and subscribing to the service would only save me a dollar. So there was no incentive to go for the annual subscription. So, how do you guys feel about this latest development in the many steps towards finally going Home?