Flower Blooms on February 12th

Written by Justin Goddard phoenix8387

Back in the PS3’s infancy ThatGameCompany released a tranquil game we all know as flOw.  That was way back nearly two years ago in February of 2007.  Now, ThatGameCompany is at it again releasing another stunning tranquility inducing game that many of us have been pondering about… Flower.  Flower is currently set to join the current casting of PSN titles on February 12th.

The PS.Blog revealed little to nothing about the title other than a release date, but then again… what words can describe Flower?

John (Lead Programmer) [John broke the rule, but earns points for style here]:

Flower, shower, power tower,

First class, string bass, grass en masse,

Sun, fun, nearly done,

Petal, metal, lightning gun?

Maybe the video embedded below would do the unique title more justice, though without a doubt not as much as actually getting your hands on it.  We look forward to hearing your thoughts on the game.

[vodpod id=ExternalVideo.772710&w=425&h=350&fv=]

Source: PS.Blog