ARRR! (Bronze): Complete ‘Plundering Pirates’ Episode
– You need to complete all 24 levels in the Plundering Pirates Episode. You do not need to complete these in a single sitting and you are allowed to continue.
NI! (Bronze): Complete ‘Naughty Knights’ Episode
– You need to complete all 24 levels in the Naughty Knights Episode. You do not need to complete these in a single sitting and you are allowed to continue.
10 in a Row (Bronze): Complete 10 Levels in a Row
– You need to complete 10 levels in a row without continuing. You can start at any level that you choose, the most simple is to start on 1-1 and work your way up. The bonus missions do not count toward this total. If you happen to lose all lives, choose to restart the level (O then X) and you’ll restart the level you just failed with the same score/lives that you began it with last time.
25 in a Row (Bronze): Complete 25 Levels in a Row
– You need to complete 25 levels in a row without continuing. You will need to start on or before 1-24 if you hope to grab this. If you start on 1-1 you will get this after completing 2-1. The bonus missions do not count toward this total. If you happen to lose all lives, choose to restart the level (O then X) and you’ll restart the level you just failed with the same score/lives that you began it with last time.
500K Plan (Bronze): Score 500,000 points
– You need to amass 500,000 points. Your largest source of points are the bonus levels, in which you must collect as many coins as you can while avoiding the level advancement icons. You’ll play a Bonus Level after levels ending in a 5 or 0.
Millionaire’s Club (Bronze): Score 1,000,000 points
– You need to amass 1,000,000 points. Your largest source of points are the bonus levels, in which you must collect as many coins as you can while avoiding the level advancement icons. You’ll play a Bonus Level after levels ending in a 5 or 0.
The Morris Award (Bronze): Gain 9 Extra Lives
– The only advice I can give here is be cautious and collect the Extra Live Powerups. Remember that if you restart a level you’ll restart with the same score/lives as when you originally started the level, so use this to your advantage. If you lose a few lives on the level restart so that it doesn’t make getting this harder than it should be.
Bonus Plan (Bronze): Collect 200 ‘Bonus Points’ power-ups
– The ‘Bonus Points’ power-up are the ones that look like coins. They can be found on occasion during levels but you will encounter them much more frequently in the Bonus Levels. Thanks to reader Erik we know this to not be cumulative, this will have to be completed all within a single playthrough.
Minuteman (Bronze): Complete a level within one minute
– The most simple levels to do this on is one of the early levels. Level 1-1 is a short and simple level that you should easily be able to complete this on. Be sure to collect and use any powerups or weapons that you can, the most effective being the Spike Ball powerup and the laser weapon.
[Hidden] Goodbye Cruel World (Bronze): 5 Killer Skulls Collected
– You know those skulls that fall from time to time that take a life and you try to avoid? Well… you need to collect five of those in a single playthrough. There is a litttle trick to getting this though, if you pick up a skull then restart the level you will not lose a life and the skull will still count as being picked up. Again, if you lose all lives you can choose to restart the level and continue on with the same amount of lives/score… and all collected skulls carry over too.
Award Winner (Gold): Collect all Awards in the game
– This Trophy acts much like a Platinum. However unlike a Platinum, you must achieve all Trophies on a single save. You don’t have to actually be awarded the Trophies, just complete the requirements for all the other Trophies. So jumping between two PS3’s and not using the same save could cause you not to receive this when you expect.
Back in the Chain Gang (Silver): Start a chain reaction with a bunch of cannons
– During the earlier levels of the Pirates Chapter, such as 1-5, there are cannons that are pointed at each other. Hit one so that it shoots another and that one will in turn shoot another. You’ll need roughly 5-6 cannons to go off to receive this. An easy way to go about this is to start two chain reactions at the same time. The game will think it’s still one if two are going off at the same time and you’ll easily be rewarded the Trophy.
Through the Fire and Flames (Silver): Seek out and aid the lone knight in his fight against the dragons.
– On level 2-16 there is a Knight surrounded by quite a few dragons, this is the knight you must help. You must kill every single dragon before you kill the Knight. The Knight can take three hits from a regular ball, and you’ll probebly kill him quite a few times attempting this. I would suggest staying away from the Spike Powerup as it will kill the knight in a single hit, however it will also kill the dragons if you want to take the risk. If you happen to kill the Knight simply pause and restart the level, if you’re playing through the game this won’t affect your score and you can continue to try to help the Knight.