Killzone 2 Now GOLD!

Written by Paulmichael temprix


(Insert angelic choir "aahh" here)
(Insert angelic choir “aahh” here) 

The moment many of us have been waiting for is here. Well, almost. Killzone 2 has now reached Gold status. This means it’s off to go get copied multiple times, and the code is completed. Next (if Sony’s playing their cards right) should come a marketing blitz, a launch event or two, etc.


"Behold, we have gone GOLD!"

Initial reaction to this title has been very solid, with both the US and AU versions of the Official PlayStation Magazine giving the game perfect scores. The UK version gave it a 90/100 according to Metacritic, which equates to 4.5 on a 5-point scale. MEGamers has apparently given the title a 99/100, though that review is mysteriously missing as of this writing. GamePro cannot give out their final verdict yet, but based on their preview of their review (haha) it’s going to be a high-scorer. Anyone already pre-order? Who wants a midnight launch? I know I’ll be there if a local game shop holds one.

Source: PS.Blog