Hey! You Got YOUR PSP in MY Automobile!

citroen-pspIn what has to be one of the most unique promotions Sony has ever done, they have teamed up with European automobile manufacturer Citroen to announce a Limited-Edition Crosser Exclusive PSP. This Europe-only SUV comes with the usual perks modern vehicles have, with the addition of a music server that can store up to 2,500 songs. What makes this so unique is that it also comes with a black PSP slim, with a special mount available on the headrest (seen above) where you can watch movies off the handheld in comfort and style. You also get a 4GB Memory Stick Pro Duo, and two UMD games. Bizarre? Yes. Totally friggin awesome? You know it. The Citroen C-Crosser Exclusive PSP starts at €33,990 (that’s in Euros). Take a look at more photos below!




Back of headrest made especially for the PSP!
