Sackboy Plans to Invade Everywhere, Both Virtual and Real

lbp_calendar_01Sackboy, that famous lovable heap of material from LittleBigPlanet, has big plans. A big, global scheme. The good folks from MediaMolecule have let us in on said plans in a sort of pseudo-calendar. Important dates are coming up, and you can follow them all below.

lbp_calendar_02First up: On March 17th expect this St. Patrick’s Day costume to hit the PS Store, with a nice pricetag of FREE. Now Sackboy won’t be pinched on St. Patty’s Day! Slapping, however, is still a constant threat. This costume will be available for download until the 24th.


Next up: We will finally be receiving these awesome-looking Killzone 2-related costumes and stickers on March 19. This pack will be priced at a reasonable $2.99 and will contain two costumes (pictured above) and 32 related stickers.


On March 26th Sackboy plans to stumble into the world of Buzz! and will be bringing with him this costume and some related stickers. Expect this to drop for $2.99 as well.


Just following April Fools’ Day on April 2nd, Sackboy will get ready for the small screen with this Patapon costume. $1.99 will net you the above costume as well as various weapon options.


On April 9th, Sackboy becomes Sack Nariko for those who missed out on the pre-order goodies. For $2.99 you’ll receive the pictured costume as well as one of Kai and 27 Heavenly Sword-related stickers.


Sackboy’s final announced stop is going to be in China on April 16th. The above-pictured monkey costume will be let loose for FREE, as it’s based off of a winning design from the Asian LittleBigPlanet community.

Whew! That is quite the plan Sackboy has laid before us. Also, the shirt shown in the beginning of this article is very much real, and you can in fact pick one up at your local Kohl’s department store.


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