PlayStation Home Xi Secrets Revealed


An enthusiastic user on the PlayStation European forums has created an entire walk through for the PlayStation Home Xi experience.  All five missions are explained in great detail often with videos to help you along the way.  Below we have included Mission One (this will contain spoilers)…


MISSION ONE – “Getting to know me”

Step 1 Listen the introduction to “The Hub”

Step 2 Find the three images that contains the word “AFK”

*(Behind “Stapler”,By the Noticeboard,Behind a plant next to “Stapler)

Step 3 Go upstairs and connect to “Online Gateaway”

Step 4 Access to the AFK Site – Click on Puzzle

Step 5 Choose the”Fish and Cat”image

Step 6 You should then get a code something like “17PARIS”

Step 7 Access to the HoloPAD downstairs (There is a bug here, you will have to restart Home)

Step 8 Insert the code recieved from the “Puzzle”

Step 9 You should now have unlocked the first bit of the Xi picture

Step 10 Now go and speak to “Stapler” the robot behind the hub

Step 11 Then go infront of the Leader Board and “Clap”

Step 12 It will ask for the Jess Fav band is “AUTOMATIC”

Step 13 Insert the code “AUTOMATIC” in the HoloPAD

Step 14 You should now recieve the first butterfly

