Infamous Demo Contains Hidden Home Goodies


Several people who have signed up for official PlayStation newsletters have been receiving a newsletter stating that the Infamous demo unlocks a free Cole costume for your Home Avatar, The newsletter itself was not completely clear on how to unlock the costume. The official PlayStation Home forums were being bombarded with threads asking how to unlock the costume.

Locust_Star one of the Home Community Managers chimmed in to help clear the air.

Hey guys,

Regarding the Cole costume: It will not unlock until after the game is released. It won’t unlock day and date with the release, but likely within a week it will appear in user’s inventories. This delay, of course, is not ideal but I think most people won’t mind being patient as long as they know that it is coming. Any help in spreading that word is appreciated.

– Locust_Star, Home Community Manager

So what you have to do in order to look like Cole from Infamous in Home, is download the demo, and within a week it’ll just magically appear in your inventory. So if you haven’t already, download the Infamous demo to take advantage of this sweet swag.