Army of Two is heading to a PSP near you. No, that’s not a typo. I had the chance to play it during our stay at E3, and yes, it actually works quite well. Titled Army of Two: The 40th Day, it is a sequel to the original. But how would such a shooter work on the PlayStation Portable?
Well, think Killzone: Liberation. It’s a third-person, isometric shooter. You move your character with the analog nub and shoot with the face buttons, similar to Super Stardust Portable. In the few minutes I had with the demo, it worked well enough but it was tough to see how much health I had left. Your CPU-controlled ally can be controlled with the D-Pad, though I did see a grayed-out Multiplayer option. This game controls nicely and has fine graphics, so this is definitely one title to look out for.