Trophy Guide – Ghostbusters: The Video Game


Platinum Trophy (Platinum) Awarded for outstanding performance in Ghostbusters!

– Collect all other trophies for Ghostbusters: The Video Game

We Have the Talent! (Bronze) – Complete the Firehouse training level.

Complete the Firehouse Training Level

The Flowers Are Still Standing! (Bronze) – Complete the ‘Welcome to the Hotel Sedgewick’ level.

– Complete the ‘Welcome to the Hotel Sedgewick’ level.

Once S’more into the Breach (Bronze) – Complete the ‘Panic in Times Square’ level.

– Complete the ‘Panic in Times Square’ level.

Get Her! (Bronze) – Complete the ‘Checking Out the Library’ level.

– Complete the ‘Checking Out the Library’ level.

Ghost Fever Grips New York (Bronze) – Complete the ‘Museum of (Super)Natural History’ level.

– Complete the ‘Museum of (Super)Natural History’ level.

Somebody Saw A Cockroach on 12 (Bronze) – Complete the ‘Return to the Sedgewick’ level.

– Complete the ‘Return to the Sedgewick’ level.

Let Me Guess, Gozer Worshippers (Bronze) – Complete the ‘Lost Island Rising’ level.

– Complete the ‘Lost Island Rising’ level.

Disaster of Biblical Proportions (Bronze) – Complete the ‘Central Park Cemetery’ level.

– Complete the ‘Central Park Cemetery’ level.

We Came, We Saw… (Bronze) – Complete the game on ‘Casual’ or ‘Experienced’ difficulty.

Complete the game on Casual or Experienced difficulty.  You can also get this by finishing the game on Professional difficulty.

Are You A God? (Gold) – Complete the game on ‘Professional’ difficulty

Finish the game on the hardest difficulty ‘ Professional’ mode.  Make sure to keep your teammates revived so they can revive you!

Slam Dunk! (Bronze) – Slam dunk a ghost into a trap.

– You must first purchase the ‘Slam Dunk’ upgrade.  Then you must capture a ghost by slamming it directly on the trap.

Slime Dunk! (Bronze) – Trap a ghost using the Slime Tether.

Attach one end of a slime tether to the ghost, then fire the other end of the slime tether to the trap.

Stasis Dunk! (Bronze) – Trap a ghost using the Stasis Stream.

– Easiest way to complete this is by equipping the stasis stream and assisting your teammates in pulling a ghost into a trap.  Your statis stream must be hitting the ghost as it’s pulled into the trap.

I Ain’t ‘Fraid of No Ghost! (Bronze) – Trap a ghost.

– Trap a ghost

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