Trine for PSN Has a Retail-Sized Treat

trineTrine, the upcoming multiplayer side-scrolling platformer for the PlayStation Network and PC, while originally slated for a June release has been moved up to July 10. As we near closer to its release date, Frozenbyte has been quick to reveal information about the final game since it is “close to [being] finished, and therefore also close to release”.

While the price of Trine is not confirmed, we already know to expect a great deal of content from this PSN download judging from the 32 trophies available for players to collect.

“Trine has total of 32 trophies: 6 bronze, 23 silver and 3 gold (and of course platinum trophy once you unlock all others )

I’m hoping that we could publish a list or sneak-peek about the trophies also, as there are some very cool ones (well, what can you imagine if you have free physics-gameplay and so on)”.

The Frozenbyte developer also confirmed to the community the release plans of the game’s demo.

“Demo is planned to be released after the initial launch (within 2-6 weeks after Trine is available).

And no worries, it will be enough short but at same time enough long to convince people to get the full version”.

Since trophy counts are allotted to a game based on its content offering (hence Pain‘s and Burnout‘s post-trophy additions), the fact that it has a Platinum is telling that Trine will offer more playtime than the typical PSN game this July, as well as a little more popularity due to that coveted trophy.
