Sony’s Skyrocketing Sales ‘Shakes’ Up


After today’s major announcements from Sony, not only did they make waves in the gaming community but they have given quite a stir. On Amazon’s ‘Movers and Shakers‘ list 3 out of the top 5 are PlayStation products.

The number one spot belongs to none other than the freshly revealed PS3 Slim. Number 3 goes to the White PSP Go, and number 4, is the 80GB PS3 which just received a price drop down to $299.

Tailing not too far behind at the number 16 spot is the 160GB Uncharted: Drakes Fortune Bundle which also received a $100 price drop, down to the low price of $399.

With sales skyrocketing for Sony’s line-up, is this a sign of what’s to come? Is Sony on it’s way back to the top? Let us know what you think by commenting below.
