PSP Review – Syphon Filter: Logan’s Shadow


You also have many stealth tools at your disposal, such as UV glasses and night vision glasses. These are all accessed by tapping or holding left on the D-pad. Although the placement of weapons and gadgets on the D-pad does take some getting used to, it was definitely a good decision on the developer’s part since most of your time is spent behind cover. The D-pad access makes weapon switching during battles a breeze.

The D-pad is also used for moving around the levels. Pressing down will make Logan crouch, and pressing up will execute everything from hopping over barriers to performing stealth kills. When you get to a weapons case that needs to be opened, or a barrier to jump over, or a villain to snuff out, an indicator will pop up to let you know when to push the D-pad. When you perform your stealth kills there will also be a mini quick time event that you will need to perform these are very easy and usually only consist of one button press.


The gameplay is in third person, and comprised mostly of stealth tactics. You will be moving through vents and between separate pieces of cover. Even though the goal is to be stealthy, if you get spotted all is not lost. The AI is not particularly bright, so they won’t bother trying to flank you. And since the aiming mechanics can be slow at times, it the combat ends up working out. I liked how I had the option to either sneak up on enemies, or run in with guns blazing.

There are also a few areas that will have you providing cover fire for your partner. You will have a sniper rifle and have to take out enemies. Once an area is cleared you will use select to advance your partner. This was a nice change of pace, and your partner’s AI is usually good enough that you won’t get into any hairy situations.

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