PS3 Review – Batman Arkham Asylum


The Dark Knight is definitely looking good for 70 years old. Rocksteady Studios, previously known for Urban Chaos: Riot Response took the helm of development for this episode. Batman Arkham Asylum provides some frantic action and nail biting plot twists. Is this next generation console debut more then skin deep?


Arkham Asylum is superb tale which plays out much like the comics and cartoons that fans have come to know and love. Everything is done very much in the tone of the cartoons which brings authenticity that is sadly missing in most superhero games. The beginning of the story has our hero bringing Joker back in to Arkham from an escape.  Being ever vigilant Batman is very uneasy about the ordeal and remarks to Commissioner Gordon that he felt he caught the Joker too easily.  Premonitions give way to realizations when Joker has sprung loose while being transferred back to his cell. It seems the Joker has set a trap for the caped crusader within the asylum.


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