Sony Meeting Will Discuss “ICO Collection”


A dream may become a reality soon enough. There is a possibility of Team ICO’s PS2 classics, Shadow of the Colossus and ICO being re-released on the PS3, Fumito Ueda recently revealed. The news has everyone excited, but this new development is enough to make heads explode.

Fumito Ueda, designer of the upcoming The Last Guardian, recently spoke on an ICO Collection containing both Shadow of the Colossus and ICO. This would be similar to the announced God of War Collection (which contains both God of War and God of War II). Now, Ueda has revealed that the ICO Collection topic may be a hot topic at an upcoming meeting with Sony.

“I do have an interest in that. Next week, I’ll have a meeting [about the possibility] … But it might not be so easy, because, with both titles we really stretched the limits of the PS2. It’s complex. So it’s not such an easy transfer to the PS3. But I want to discuss it.”

We’ll keep you updated on any new developments in the possibility of an “ICO Collection” as they happen.


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