Kojima Stresses That Peace Walker Will Be a Handheld Marvel

Hideo Kojima’s upcoming title, Metal Gear Solid: Peace Walker is arguably the most anticipated unreleased handheld title right now. With an epic trailer at E3 2009, MGS: Peace Walker quickly became a fan favorite by showcasing console-quality gameplay on the PSP’s handheld hardware. What many don’t know is that Metal Gear Solid: Peace Walker is a full-fledged Metal Gear game that was originally titled Metal Gear Solid 5.

Metal Gear mastermind Hideo Kojima has been posting a lot of new information over his Twitter account the past few days. Only days ago, Kojima stressed that his upcoming title is being given a lot of attention and will be a true addition to the Metal Gear series:

PW is going to be released as a portable game, but it is a TRUE MGS game in the saga, not a spin off. Of course, we have put a lot of power into the story. It should be pretty exciting. The potential of a portable game, an innovative system that changes the nature of future MGs is what makes this a game a title to look forward too.

Many have been disappointed by the fact that Metal Gear Solid: Peace Walker is coming to the PSP rather than the PlayStation 3. However, Kojima has stated that the PSP has given the Metal Gear series not only a new challenge, but also some new options:

We put a lot of thought into gameplay that handhelds excel at. “Teamwork,” “multiplayer,” and “trade,” are all great components but that is not everything. We also wanted challenge toward a new game design. This is something we couldn’t have achieved if we had developed PW for a next gen console.

As stated by Hideo Kojima, Metal Gear Solid: Peace Walker should become a title that Metal Gear fans enjoy, but also a game that really defines the PlayStation Portable platform. Metal Gear Solid: Peace Walker is slated to release in April 2010 for Japan, and May 2010 for Europe and North America.