ModNation Racers Release Date Announced; Pre-order Bonuses Revealed

ModNation Racers has been heavily anticipated since reveal, continuing the Play.Create.Share mantra that was introduced in LittleBigPlanet. There have been many questions for the title, like how it’ll control, its online abilities, and its creative features. But there’s one big one question: the release date.

Well, the release date has been revealed via the US PlayStation Blog. Both the PS3 and PSP version of ModNation Racers will hit May 25th 2010. Along with the release date, the pre-order bonuses for the title have been announced. Depending on what retailer you choose to pick up the game, there’s either Nathan Drake, Kratos, or Ratchet & Clank for your choosing.

By pre-ordering at either GameStop, Amazon, and Best Buy, you’ll get Kratos, Ratchet & Clank, or Nathan Drake, respectively. Both Kratos and Nathan Drake will be receiving their own personal karts. However, it seems that Ratchet & Clank will not, based on the image above. You can check out the PlayStation heroes in action in our gallery below. Wherever you pre-order the title however, buyers will be given an additional “Mystery Mod” and Kart package. Those packages will also include additional accessories to be used in your own creations. Again, check out our gallery below to take a look at the mysterious silhouettes. Before you hit the gallery though, why don’t you glance at the official box art for the title?