Captivate 2010, Capcom’s annual game event begins next Tuesday, and you know what that means, right? Well, new rumors, of course. This latest one suggests a possible reveal of a long awaited sequel, of an incredibly popular, and genuinely praised fighting series.
Last Wednesday, news broke out of a rumored announcement for Marvel vs. Capcom 3, a sequel to the popular fighting series that pits Marvel Comics characters against the roster of Capcom’s elite. A post by Henaki, on Team Spooky, recently revealed that Marvel vs. Capcom 3 will get an announcement sometime in May. The poster spoke on the terms of this reveal, saying that he was IP banned from the forums, for leaking the information. The Marvel 3 information has “multiple sources that confirm” that the title is in development, according to Henaki. This was also the poster that prematurely leaked the entire Super Street Fighter IV roster, before they were officially revealed.
Now, editor Ryan Penagoshas said that the media has been given a look at something “super seeeeekrit.” The info was revealed via his Twitter account.
“In Hawaii giving media a look at something super seeeeekrit. All will be revealed next week.”
This could coincide with the rumored May reveal of Marvel vs. Capcom 3, as Hawaii is the location for the Captivate event next week. What’s your thought on a possible Marvel vs. Capcom 3 announcement? Post below and share your opinion!