Televisions worldwide are currently in the transition to the third dimension. At the front of this charge is none other than Sony. Besides a free firmware update apparently coming next month, a slew of games are rumored to have updates in the works that will help you enter this latest realm of gaming. Learn what games might be moving up a level in depth after the jump!
Coming in the form of simple software updates, the following games will supposedly receive patches to enable 3D gaming: WipEout HD, Motorstorm: Pacific Rift, Super Stardust HD, and PAIN. These 3D-enabled games might also apparently come for free (via PSN vouchers, we’d imagine) with new 3D Sony Bravia televisions. There will likely be some texture and/or resolution downgrades when you enable that fancy new mode, however, so graphics lovers may have to think twice about doing so. So who’s in for this new wave of immersion?