Gran Turismo 5 E3 Gameplay Surfaces

One of the games that PlayStation fans crave for is Gran Turismo 5, seen as the holy grail of driving simulation on Sony’s platform. With Sony’s E3 conference right around the corner, some new gameplay from this long awaited title has surfaced.

The video recorded on a camera shows off the Le Mans event, with the race car speeding along a race course with racing line assist turned on. Check out the video below:


With satirical jokes about GT5’s release date being “never”, expect Sony to announce a release date during their conference on Tuesday. Other games that will be at Sony’s presser include the likes of InFamous 2, Killzone 3, and of course MotorStorm Apocalypse. Sony’s Conference starts on Tuesday 15th at 12PM (PDT), 3PM (EST), 7PM (GMT), 8PM (BST), 9PM (CET).


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