Killzone 3 E3 Impressions

One of the biggest games announced this year for the PS3 was Killzone 3. Guerrilla Games aims to improve upon the successful formula in every way possible, and thanks to their listening to fan feedback, they hit their target.

Guerrilla Games is looking to take the first-person shooter genre by storm yet again with Killzone 3, and this time, it’s in glorious 3D. That’s not the only thing that’s new in Sony’s iconic shooter. There’s new levels, new weapons, new enemies and more. Best of all, there’s a one badass jet-pack that allows for quicker traversal over Helghan’s war torn terrain. The jet pack also brings some platforming to the series, which plays the role of the calm before the storm.

Firefights are more intense than previous games, with the Helghast AI cranked up to the max. Enemies are smarter than ever, attempting to hunt you and corner you with the ultimate goal of  ending your existence. Aiming has been dramatically improved and character movement doesn’t feel so weighty. Shooting from the jet pack was an absolute joy and one of the best times we had in any game during E3.

We played the Helghan Ice level that was demonstrated during E3’s press conference in it’s entirety, in full 3D. It’s quite obvious that Sony is pushing 3D gaming full force, however, out of all the games we played at Sony’s private booth tour, Killzone 3’s 3D was the least impressive. At times, it made navigating some of the more complex areas confusing. That being said, it sure looks cool as hell. It also adds an impressive depth of field that we keep reiterating in our impressions of all of the 3D games we got our hands on.

Sev and the rest of the ISA will be battling the Helghast in 3D this coming February.