Do You Have a Counterfeit PS3 Controller?

In case you haven’t heard, the latest PlayStation 3 update has had certain…effects on unlicensed controllers. But even if you’re a loyal Sony fan and supporter, you may have unknowingly been sold one of these devices. How do you know? Here are some things that you can look for.

With the 3.50 update of the PS3, Sony has deactivated certain 3rd party controllers, and some seemingly official ones. Their reasoning is that these devices are improperly manufactured and actually pose a threat to your own safety. So let’s say you are in the market for a new controller, but want the best deal. By being a smart shopper, you can make sure that you aren’t ripped off.

  • If shopping online, always look for shady language. If the price is twenty to thirty dollars below MSRP but still claims to be a “new” controller, chances are it probably is counterfeit. If it sounds too good to be true, it usually is.
  • Even if shopping on eBay from trusted and promoted sellers, be wary. If they claim the “new” controller will be outside of the box, don’t trust it. There is never a need to hide the official PlayStation Licensed Product sticker

But what if you are worried about if you may already have a counterfeit controller? There are definitely ways to discover that, some of which don’t even require you to turn on the device.

  • If you have consistent trouble wirelessly syncing your controller to your PS3, the device may be counterfeit. Why get a wireless controller if it HAS to be plugged in?
  • The LEDs lights on the controller that signify which Player it is controller will not be flush with the outside shell. Official controllers ARE level all the way across.
  • Compared to an official controller, the seams beneath the analog sticks where the bottom and top halves of the plastic meet will be sharp.
  • The center Home button on a counterfeit controller will be marginally darker than the Home button on an official controller.
  • The SONY logo on the top of the face of a counterfeit controller will not be aligned correctly with the standard controller.
  • The Square, Triangle, Circle, and Cross buttons will be raised higher on a counterfeit controller.
  • The colors of these face buttons will be dull, compared to the bright colors of an official DualShock 3.
  • The label on the back of a counterfeit controller will be paper sticker. The label on the back of an official controller will have a thin layer of plastic over the paper sticker, giving it a matte finish and a more protected feel.
  • The this paper label on the back of a counterfeit controller will not be correctly aligned with the shape of the device on the back, as it was most likely put on by hand.
  • When you turn on a counterfeit the controller, the flashing red lights on the outside will actually shine THROUGH the casing of the device, something that would never happen on an official product.

Remember that these are only some of the signs that will indicate to you if you have an unofficial product. There may always be more signs that we haven’t covered here, but here are some of the indications for you to look out for. If you see one of these products being sold online, report the seller to organization. Keep an eye out for these types of issues when shopping at used game stores as well where you can inspect the products before you buy. The safest way to be sure is to remember to buy something with that “Officially Licensed.” sticker If you aren’t so careful….your very controller may explode.

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