Enslaved DLC Will Be A New Experience


Enslaved: Odyssey to the West is Ninja Theory’s next game, due out in approximately a week’s time. DLC was recently announced for the title which will be available post-launch, and the developer has made it clear that this is not something that could have shipped with the game.

In speaking with Destructoid in a recent interview, “Chief Creative Ninja” Tameem Antoniades spoke a bit about the planned DLC after some coercion from the interviewer:

“The DLC’s a funny one, because we started just before we finished Enslaved, we put a small team on the DLC. From the beginning, the main game was meant to be a start, middle, and end — a complete story — and the DLC was meant to be an extra…If it wasn’t for DLC, those people wouldn’t be working on that content. It’s not something that would have gone on the disc.”

So the DLC is not yet complete, and would not even exist for the game if they had not decided to develop it outside of the main game. Mr. Antoniades also added that the expansion is “pretty meaty” and not just an extra couple of levels or missions. It is “an entirely new experience.” This also marks the first time a Ninja Theory game will receive DLC, so it will be interesting to see how well it does. Enslaved: Odyssey to the West releases on October 5th and 8th, 2010 in North America and the UK respectively.

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