Nomura Tweets More Versus XIII Details

It’s time like this I love the Internet; specifically twitter. Tetsuya Nomura doesn’t have his own twitter, but that doesn’t stop him from tweeting when he wants — through The 3rd Birthday account. Nomura-san shares details about how he’s ensuring outstanding issues in Final Fantasy Versus XIII are being fixed.

Nomura-san spoke about following up on a few map problems within the game:

Yesterday, we had meetings about three sections — maps, events and battles. For the map section, I checked the problem areas that had been fixed. The staff had gone beyond the requests and filled them with playful elements. I put in orders for additional areas as well

In addition to simply providing oversight, he went on to detail exactly what he was examining on the maps:

  • The look of a forest that you can see once you’ve cleared a narrow mountain path.
  • Things that are required when leaving the city by moving on the roofs of buildings.
  • The positioning of the bookshelves in shops
  • How flags are standing
  • How the sea is handled on the world map
  • The roads you can see from the air ship
  • The length of bridges

For those hoping for a few spoilers on the game… Nomura-san doesn’t give any. He did however give further details on other things he’s checking:

  • The look on a character during a short cut in a scene where he or she is leaving.
  • Explanation of a fathers feelings during a conversation scene.
  • The areas that they want to have connected seamlessly, and the areas that they want to connect via cuts.
  • Explanations about the heroines movements.

Nomura-san did make a very interesting comments on menu areas in reference to battles:

We’re doing lots of trial and error on this. When you say Final Fantasy, you think of enemy damage figures flying out and showing player HP. What will we do with these in the action-heavy Versus?

It’s interesting he makes reference to “father”, which from a story perspective, we know nothing about yet. Hopefully he alludes to more story elements and provides further detail on this later.

One thing is certain: there are things in life you can stop, but Tetsuya Nomura tweeting is not one of them.


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