Vanquish Director Heads to New Vegas Territory

Shinji Mikami is one of the most successful game developers in the industry. When he isn’t acting as an external board member for Platinum Games, or working with Goichi Suda on Shadows of the Damned, he’s overseeing his own studio Tango Gameworks. All this hard work hasn’t gone un-noticed; Mikami-san is heading to New Vegas.

ZeniMax Media—parent company for industry stand-outs such as Bethseda Softworks, id Software and Arkane Studios—is adding Mikami-san’s Tango Gameworks to their list of acquisitions. With a history of allow developers to maintain their creativity, Mikami-san is pleased with the status quo change to ZeniMax. Mikami-san  added that ZeniMax is a “…company that is dedicated to creating the best games ever made.” He further stated :

“…it’s refreshing to find a publisher who understands, trusts, and supports the development of blockbuster games and works to make it a collaborative effort”

Robert Altman, Chairman and CEO of ZeniMax Media shares Mikami-san’s enthusiasm on bringing Tango Gameworks under their umbrella. Altman described Mikami-san as being “one of the industry’s finest game developers”. Altman also, rather indirectly, let fan’s of Mikami-san’s work know that he has no plans on changing how their team operates. He stated:

“We share his vision for innovative, genre-defining games and look forward to working with Shinji and his team at Tango.”

With Vanquish combining the Japanese-style action game with the Western-style third-person shooter (and doing it very well), does that mean we could see a collaboration with Bethseda? Who knows for sure—at least now the door is wide open.


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