Asda Offers Black Ops For £5 With Trade In

Without question the biggest game of the year, probably the biggest entertainment launch of all time, Call of Duty: Black Ops is high on nearly everyone’s Christmas shopping list, with gamers globally looking for a good deal on Treyarch’s hit shooter. UK Supermarket chain Asda, a subsidiary of Wal-Mart, is aggressively pushing its trade-in offers by selling Black Ops for under £5 when you trade-in an AAA game.

When the game goes on sale at midnight on Tuesday morning gamer’s will be able to trade in their back catalogue for a discount price on the game, with the promotion running for the next 6 days. To get the maximum discount – that brings the game down to a price of £4.97 – you will have to trade either Star Wars: The Force Unleashed II, Fallout New Vegas, or Fable III, but other games will also contribute to a discount on the price.

The offer will be available in the Asda stores which support trade-in games, to find out if your local Asda is one of these you can check on their


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