MotorStorm Developer Shows Christmas Spirit to Fans of Series

The PlayStation 3 has been home to many new IPs this generation, and in regards to offroad racing MotorStorm, has no equal. While a third title has been announced, the original was one of the best launch games for the PS3, and one that satisfied a lot of off-road fans.

Following the conclusion of the MotorStorm Mondays tournament this week, developer Evolution Studios gave out 20 free PlayStation Plus subscriptions to fans of the racing series. In Christmas spirit, after the gifts were given, Game Director Matt Southern messaged the following to each winner:

Happy Holidays, and thanks again for all the passion, commitment and humour you and everyone else involved in MotorStorm Monday have put into our game.

Evolution Studios is currently working on another title for the series named MotorStorm Apocalypse, which will be the first in the series to include superbikes, supercars, muscle cars, and more. In addition, the urban theme of Apocalypse will be a departure from the remote locations found in the two previous PS3 titles and the PSP game. With a set release date of March 16th, 2011, this will be one game worth keeping your eyes on in the near future.

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