Quantic Dream Sitting Down to Talk E3 Reveal with Sony

We know that Heavy Rain developer Quantic Dream is hard at work on a new game, but what we don’t know is when we’ll get to lay our eyes on the new project. Heavy Rain took a number of years to develop, but for this new title, we might be getting a look at the game sooner rather than later. Head honcho of Quantic Dream, David Cage, has said that his company and Sony are in talks about revealing their upcoming game at this year’s E3, which kicks off in June.

Speaking with CVG, Cage stated:

This is in discussion right now with Sony,

We’ll see. I can’t really answer anything on release dates. We are in production right now, so nothing will be coming out this year for sure.

Cage went on to say Quantic Dream is currently working on two “very different” titles from Heavy Rain and each other. These will feature a “different tone and different gameplay, but still based on concepts of narrative, storytelling and emotions”. Hopefully one of these might be that emotional war game that Cage has stated he would love to make.

I guess we will all have to wait until E3 to see if Sony agrees. As always we’ll be there live covering the event.