Sony Details Remastered White Knight Chronicles Package

Level-5 has been a huge contributer for Sony over the years, with major RPG releases from the Dark Cloud and White Knight Chronicles franchises. After months of a second installment of White Knight Chronicles being available in Japan, it was finally revealed that an international release is coming soon.

It was confirmed by Sony today that the upcoming European and North American releases of White Knight Chronicles II will also include the original on a single blu-ray. That’s not all, as the first installment has also been remastered with major changes made during the development of WKCII. If you have a saved game that you just can’t let go of, don’t worry, as you can import your saved games from the standalone version.

No release date has been announced, but Sony has hinted that “Release date will be announced very soon but it’s not very far off”, so let’s bargain a Summer release. A few of the latest gameplay screenshots are also available for viewing pleasure.


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