New Augmented Reality Demo From Sony Impresses, But Where is it Headed?

Sony has a long, storied history with augmented reality, with work really beginning in the consumer space with the EyeToy on the PlayStation 2. They then upgraded that technology with the Eye on the PlayStation 3, and now we have the Move to further enhance those capabilities. Sony’s latest development in this ever-evolving space is incredibly accurate, and can use seemingly anything to project 3D, animated figures into your world. We’ve got some footage of it for you after the jump.

As Engadget has spotted, Sony’s official YouTube page recently uploaded the footage you see below. Using nothing more than a printed image on a hard surface, a Sony Arc displays an animated 3D bear figure that walks in place and rotates, scales and more when the object scanned earlier is moved about. Particularly impressive is that when this object is tossed to the ground, the bear begins to walk off the object and onto the ground. There is also a demo with a large group of virtual bouncy balls continuously dropped around a room, projecting shadows on real-life objects in the scene. While this demo is currently running on a Sony Arc, which runs Android, could it also be headed to the NGP, which does not? Surely Sony’s upcoming superpowered handheld has enough processing power to handle the application. We’ll keep our ears to the ground and let you know any further developments as we know them. You can find a press release on the next page.

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