It wasn’t long ago that gamers were practically begging the award-winning group at Team ICO to make a collection. Now that it’s been made a reality, it’s just a waiting game until it releases. Both ICO and Shadow of the Colossus were staples of Sony’s last generation platform, and their artistic value still stands half of a decade later.
Team ICO has released a trailer which features footage from both the PlayStation 2 and PlayStation 3 variants of both ICO and Shadow of the Colossus. The trailer shows the evolution of Team ICO’s repertoire, and while the narration is in Japanese, the footage does all of the talking. It goes without saying that the PS3 has truly opened up both games to their full visual potential. See below:
We were able to go hands-on with the ICO and Shadow of the Colossus Collection at E3 2011, and we loved every minute of it. This is a collection that nobody will want to miss, young or old, so be sure to read our E3 Preview and start counting down to its release later this year!