Sony Extends Identity Theft Protection Enrollment Window

Many people are still recovering from the massive hack that took place on the PlayStation Network back in April. In fact, some regions such as Japan only recently came back online, thanks to the government intervening so it could ensure the network was up to snuff when it came to security. Sony announced a partnership with Debix to offer everyone with a valid PSN account prior to the attack which grants access to identity theft protection including a $1 million insurance policy. The initial signup window has passed, but Sony has decided to extend the length of time that you can sign up for the service.

As announced on the PS.Blog, US customers can request an account with Debix, free for a year, until the end of this month. The original signup period ended on June 28th as indicated on emails that had previously been sent out. The program is called “AllClear ID Plus,” and includes “cyber monitoring and surveillance,” “priority access to licensed private investigators and identity restoration specialists,” and the aforementioned “$1 million identity theft insurance policy per user.” So if the Welcome Back program or Uncharted 3 beta distracted you and you forgot to sign up, now is your chance! Is this a worthwhile program to sign up for in your opinion?