Sony Details PSP Remaster Project, Japanese Gamers Cry Out for Kingdom Hearts: Birth by Sleep

A few months ago, Sony announced its plans to bring PSP titles to the PS3 through the PSP Remaster project. This initiative allows for game developers to emulate their PlayStation Portable titles on the PS3 with high definition visuals, surround sound and 3D support. In addition, the ability to transfer one’s saved game between the PS3 and PSP can be included, should the developer decide to go in that direction.

Project head Teiji Yutaka spoke with Famitsu on how the plan to bring portable titles to the PlayStation 3 got its start. After working with PSOne classics, the engineers over at Sony created the PSP Engine, a software system that runs on the PS3 and supports all of the functionality of Sony’s portable.

We were developing this emulation platform and through it we came to realize that we might be able to get the PSP running in realtime on the PS3 without much problem. It was our talented engineers that made it happen. We had things up and running on the PSP Engine around one and a half, two years ago. The HD rendering was in operation by then, too, and that’s when we began to remold the project into a saleable product.

On top of that, the engine will allow for developers to include other layers of functionality, including 3D support. According to Yutaka:

There’s a group within the Software Solutions department that specializes in 3D graphics. When they first saw the Remaster project, they suggested that they might be able to insert 3D graphics inside there. They managed to implement it with hardly any hit to performance and processing speed at all, and I don’t think that would’ve been possible without the processing power of the PS3.

The incredibly popular Monster Hunter 3rd will be the first PSP remastered title to launch in Japan. The game is set for release this August, but what about other titles? Famitsu Magazine asked Japanese gamers which titles they would like to see come to the PS3 through the remaster project and the results are in, with Kingdom Hearts: Birth by Sleep and Crisis Core: Final Fantasy VII topping the list. It sure would be awesome to play some Kingdom Hearts on the PS3 as the wait for a proper sequel grows more and more unbearable with each passing day. Let’s hope Sony is listening.


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