Scheduled PSN Maintenance Means Downtime in the UK

For some of us the timing couldn’t be worse, but it seems Sony needs to make necessary updates to their network again.

As the Battlefield 3 Beta opens up to everyone on PSN today after a 2 day exclusive for those who purchased a super special version of last year’s Medal of Honor, the network itself is being brought down. Luckily, it’s only for a short few hours, and anyone signed in before maintenance begins will be able to remain online, and playing in their preciously limited beta time. Announced today via the EU PSBlog, the maintenance is scheduled to take place 5-9pm British Standard Time (PSN will be unavailable from 5-7). During that time the following items will be affected:

  • PlayStation Store
  • Account Registration
  • Account Management

At this time there’s no mention on the US PSBlog of any North American network maintenance, but that doesn’t mean you shouldn’t be wary of it. A Sony Online Support Moderator, RabidWalker, mentions that the maintenance is carried over from last week, but both the EU and NA PSN went down for a short period late last week, so it seems there’s more yet to be fixed. So if you’re itching to play that beta tonight, or anything else online, hopefully you left your PS3 on this morning. I certainly wish I did.

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