How To Delete PS Vita System Backup Files on PS3

If you back up your PS Vita onto your PS3 you won’t see the data anywhere, won’t know where it has gone and will see several gigabytes taken up – so is the space lost forever? Nope, there’s a quick and easy way to delete it.

PSLS reader BobcatVsApple asked me:

Help! I just backed up a bunch of Vita games like Uncharted on my PS3 and I just lost 2 gigs of data!!! I can’t see it anywhere, and only have a 40GB, what do I do?

Why Sony doesn’t show the Vita data is odd, but it’s an intentional decision of theirs and not a glitch. The data is invisibly on your PS3, but you can delete it rather simply. First off, make sure that your PS3 is updated to 4.10 or above, then go to Settings, then System Settings, where you’ll see “Delete PS Vita System’s Backup Files”. You have to be logged in to delete the data:

Remember, once you hit delete that’s it, the backup is gone – there’s no back up to the back up, so be sure you definitely want to delete it.

Hopefully this how to has been helpful, but if you still have questions, be sure to ask me at [email protected].