IO Interactive’s latest installment in the Hitman franchise uses all-new crowd technology that aims to add an additional layer of realism to the world of Absolution. The studio is confirmed to be unveiling its G2-Crowd tech later this week at the 2012 Games Developer Conference.
This new technology is embedded into the team’s Glacier 2 engine, built specifically to handle the massive crowds in Hitman Absolution that number up to 1,200. The developer aims to create the most dense and organic crowds we’ve ever seen, so it will be exciting to see it in action.
IO’s physics programmer Kasper Fauerby will be debuting the tech on Wednesday, so be sure to keep an eye out for additional information at that time. For an idea of what we might see, check out the 16 minute demonstration that was unveiled last year.
Hitman Absolution does not currently have a specific release date pinned down, but is targeted for launch sometime later this year on the PlayStation 3, Xbox 360 and PC.