Eyebrow Interactive has released a launch trailer for upcoming PSN title, Closure.
On the PS Blog, Eyebrow has announced that Closure — Grand Prize Winner at the DICE 2012 Indie Game Challenge last month — will be releasing on March 27th for $14.99 for non-PS+ subscribers. PlayStation Plus subscribers will be able to buy the game for $11.99. The game is part of Sony’s “Spring Fever” promotion on the PlayStation Network.
The puzzle platformer consists of over one hundred puzzles in various locales, which will gradually increase in difficulty and “evolve to become some of the most puzzling challenges you will ever face.”
In the comments, Eyebrow Interactive Lead Designer & Programmer Tyler Glaiel said the following about the game’s length and the possibility of a demo:
The game is 5-8 hours, depending on how good you are with puzzle games (there’s also 30 silver moths to collect, which are sorta additional puzzles in their own right, and will be an additional 4 or so hours for people to find them all if you’re a completionist)
There should be a demo I believe
Glad you’re looking forward to it
The trailer consists of in-game footage from various points in the game and shows some of the awards the game has won as well, before closing with the Closure logo and website address.
To view the launch trailer, click on the video below:
Will you be picking up Closure? Let us know in the comments below!