Final Pre-Release Trailer for Darksiders 2 Goes Live

Vigil Games’ Darksiders sequel is set to launch next week, and preceding its release is one final gameplay trailer that gives us a closer look at the game’s protagonist, Death.

If you’ve been itching to know more about the story and what motivates Death on his quest through hell, be sure to check out the video below for all sorts of plot related goodness. Those who just want to jump right into the action and could care less about story will also get a lot out of the clip, as there’s loads of gameplay footage for action junkies to salivate over.

[springboard type=”video” id=”530069″ player=”play020″ width=”555″ height=”335″ ]

Are you psyched for the release of Darksiders 2? Don’t forget, if you want to unlock all the bonus content, you’ll have to have played through the original Darksiders, so I suggest you finish it now before the game comes out on August 14th.

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