Set to release during the summer of next year, Oddworld: Abe’s Oddysee HD brings the classic PSone side-scrolling experience to both the PlayStation 3 and Vita. Developer Just Add Water has released the first screenshot of the game, and it looks a heck of a lot better than it did back on Sony’s first game console.
Check out the image below.
The Oddworld games are some of the best side-scrolling puzzlers that graced the PlayStation, so it’s great to see Just Add Water doing Abe’s Oddysee justice with such a quality upgrade. If you missed out on this title back when it launched in 1997, you’ll definitely want to give this game a look when it releases on the PlayStation Network next year.
It’s a shame we have to wait so long, but if the rest of the game looks as good as that screenshot, it will certainly be worth the wait.