Which Games We Want Sony To Reveal At gamescom 2012

Jonathan Leack:

Dark Cloud 3 – Dark Cloud 2 was one of the most beloved titles on the PlayStation 2 and was also one of its first must-have RPGs of the platform—which is saying a lot. Level-5 showed they still had it in them when they released Ni no Kuni: Wrath of the White Witch back in 2010. I can’t think of a better time for Dark Cloud’s beautiful cell-shaded art, charming cast of characters, and deep story experience to make a comeback and show that JRPGs are far from dead.

Metal Gear Solid 5 – It’s already been confirmed to exist, and that in itself is enough to make me giddy with excitement. Metal Gear Solid 4 substantiated itself as not only one of the most important games in the PlayStation 3’s lifecycle, but as one of the most critically-acclaimed games of all-time. Hideo Kojima stated shortly after the game’s release that there were ideas that he envisioned that didn’t make it to the game, and nothing would make me happier than to see those come to fruition in the form of Metal Gear Solid 5.

Paulmichael Contreras:

Thi4f – I’d like to see a surprise third-party reveal with Thi4f. Yeah, this is coming out of left field but Sony has had some astounding reveals in press conferences before. Who could ever forget their Portal 2 reveal with Gabe Newell apologetically coming onstage? Okay, so it won’t be that shocking, but still it would be great to see a game with such a legacy show its face (and hopefully some gameplay footage) at gamescom.

The Getaway – The last we ever heard of The Getaway, at least officially, was that it was “on hold.” SCE London Studio was put at the helm of developing the game, but instead decided to focus their efforts on “their strengths – EyePet and SingStar.” What were they thinking? I hope they’ve gotten back to work on The Getaway and that we can see an open-world game set in picturesque London on the PlayStation 3.

Zak Islam:

inFamous 3 – Sucker Punch is hard at work with their next game, which will feature a multiplayer component. A good guess would be inFamous 3, with Sony possibly set to showcase their support for the franchise despite inFamous 2‘s lackluster sales. The second installment did feature a multiplayer feature in the form of the UGC level editor, but a fully-fledged multiplayer component would be much more appealing for an inFamous title. Here’s hoping that the game does appear in some form during Sony’s gamescom presser.

Next Killzone title – Guerrilla Games’ Killzone 3 didn’t quite match the commercial success of its predecessor (and, arguably, its quality; some say it’s more or less a carbon copy clone), but there’s no doubting the IP’s quality and breadth. Boasting blockbuster campaigns, believable characters and an extremely engaging online multiplayer component in Killzone 2 (I was once within the top 100 players worldwide, not that I’m boasting), we can’t wait to see what Guerrilla has up its sleeve for the next installment in the franchise. The possibility of the studio being present at gamescom, meanwhile, is boosted by the fact that they’re European-based.

Daniel Bischoff:

The Next Syphon Filter – As a neophyte of the series (thank you PlayStation Plus) I’m eager to see how Sony brings Syphon Filter back for the online multiplayer generation. I remember going to a friends house and watching him dedicatedly connect his PS2 to play Syphon Filter online nearly 10 years ago. How are we not doing that today?

Think co-op campaign, think competitive, team-based multiplayer, think awesome. My only concern is that it’s too late to revive a franchise in this console generation.

Crash Bandicoot – I’m 100% sure that Crash is in PSASBR, but that’s not enough for me. I want Naughty Dog to return to the baggy-shorts wearing fiend who started it all. The Last of Us? How about The Crash of Us. Uncharted? Unchrashed!

Seriously though, I think a next-gen Crash Bandicoot would make everyone remember the good ol’ PlayStation days, not the doom and gloom surrounding the company’s financial forecast. At least give me a Vita Crash game… anything! Have you all stopped reading? Am I the only one who wants to see more Crash Bandicoot?

Yes? OK. I’ll go stand in this corner.

So what do you want? Share your thoughts in the comments below.

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