Kojima Reveals Zone of the Enders HD Box Art

Excited for the upcoming high-definition remake of Zone of the Enders? Well Kojima’s got just the thing to whet your appetite.

The famed developer behind the beloved Metal Gear and Zone of the Enders franchises took to Twitter to tease ZOE fans with an image of the HD collection’s official box art.

See for yourself below.

I must admit, I’m a real sucker for games with sleek box art and Zone of the Enders HD Edition totally fits the bill. Whether or not the localized versions will look exactly the same remains to be seen, but I sure hope so.

What do you think of the packshot? Is it too simple for your tastes or do you like the cover’s elegant simplicity? What are some of you favorite PlayStation 3 box covers? Let us know in the comments below. I for one am a huge fan of Resistance 3’s artistic cover design.