Corpse Party on Super Sale Tomorrow, Sequel Coming to North America

The original Corpse Party was a survival horror game for the PSP that arrived in North America late last year. What always catches players off guard is that Corpse Party is presented in an isometric format (similar to many retro RPGs). This visual style is incredibly alien to horror games and, despite not sounding completely compatible with terror, the original Corpse Party is said to be quite frightening. If you’re interested in this unique horror experience, you’ll be able to pick it up for $10 starting tomorrow on the PlayStation Store.

Then, coming winter this year for North America, (European release is said to arrive shortly after) is Corpse Party: Book of ShadowsBook of Shadows is said to take a much more cinematic, visual novel style approach than it’s predecessor. Corpse Party’s sequel is another PSP title, and will be available exclusively through digital download via the PlayStation Store.

Are you interested in picking up either of the Corpse Party titles? If You’ve played the original, would you recommend it?

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