Ninja Gaiden 3 Sigma Listed By Retailer For Consoles, Slated For Early Next Year

Launching earlier this year, Ninja Gaiden 3 was met with a lot of well deserved criticism from our very own Alex Osborn in his review. Calling it ‘the epitome of disappointment’, he gave the game a 2.5/10, very low for a game in a well respected franchise.

After both critical and commercial disappointment, it looks as though Team Ninja will be giving us another version next year in the form of Ninja Gaiden 3 Sigma. A listing from Amazon France has the game for both PS3 and Xbox 360, giving it a March 5th, 2013 release date.

No other information is given in the product description, though with the better critical reception of Ninja Gaiden 3: Razor’s Edge on the Wii U, expect Sigma 3 to be along those same lines.

If this listing does turn out to be true, it will be the second Ninja Gaiden Sigma game scheduled for 2013 as Ninja Gaiden Sigma Plus 2 will be coming to the PS Vita in early 2013.

Will you be keeping an eye out for this next year? Or has your faith in the series been crushed? Let us know in the comments below.