Ken Levine Responds to BioShock Infinite DLC Complaints, Story Stuff “Is [a] Love Letter to Fans”

In this day and age, it’s almost a given that there will be post-launch DLC for a title, with a Season Pass preceding it, saving you some money in the long run. Just a little bit ago, we told you of the BioShock Infinite Season Pass, something that runs you $20 and includes access to three pieces of post-launch DLC for the title.

Unfortunately for Ken Levine, Creative Director and Co-Founder of Irrational Games, many people were unhappy to hear about BioShock Infinite receiving this DLC, taking to Twitter to voice their opinions. Being the awesome person he is, Ken answered many of people’s questions, and shed some light on the DLC, Booker, and more:

Does the fact that this is brand new content, and nothing cut from the game, have you excited? Let us know in the comments below.