PSN Maintenance Scheduled for Select First Party Titles From 1AM – 9AM PST on Tuesday, You Probably Won’t Care

The bad news? There’s going to be some PSN maintenance from 1AM PST until 9AM PST for select SCEE first party titles across various PlayStation systems, which will also affect people in North America. The good news? There’s probably only one game on the list that you’re still actively playing.

Buzz!, EyePet, Gravity Crash, Hustle Kings, LittleBigPlanet PSP, MotorStorm Apocalypse, Smart As, and WipEout 2048 will all have their online play during the maintenance period, but since some of the games are so old and the downtime is in the early morning, you probably won’t be impacted by this at all.

What do you think you’ll be doing between 1AM and 9AM PST tomorrow? Sleeping? Working? Agonizingly waiting for the PlayStation Store to update so you can play the God of War: Ascension demo? Let us know in the comments below.


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